chinese police clash with thousands muslim protesters over plans to  demolish mosque 

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Dozens of officers in riot gear beat back a crowd as they pushed toward the gate of the Najiaying Mosque, an important seat of worship and religious teaching for ethnically Hui Muslims in Yunnan province, on Saturday morning.

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The incident appeared to be related to a court judgment from 2020 that ruled some of the mosque’s most recent renovations were illegal, and ordered demolition.

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cranes and other equipments were brought in to start the demolition

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but the local hui muslims rose up to defend their mosque

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After the local community repelled the first wave of police who stopped anyone from entering the mosque, they kept guard trying to defend the house of Allah, but Chinese authorities brought in more police/army personnel and cut off internet access to the area.

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House raids are also said to have taken place arresting those involved. The latest is not known as the internet is reportedly cut off according to some activists, so keep you brothers and sisters there in your duas.

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