October 18, 2024
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Understanding Egypt’s Ban on Niqab in Schools

The Egyptian government has barred girls from wearing the niqab an islamic veil that covers the face at schools, according to the state-owned media.

Education Minister Reda Shegazy’s statement that was released on Monday, and cited in the state-owned Ahram newspaper, stated that students have the “optional” right to choose whether or not to cover their hair while at school. However, the statement stated that hair coverings is not able to cover their face.

“Any form of hair covering that contravenes the condition of the face being visible is not acceptable and the hair covering should be in the colour chosen by the ministry and local education directorate,” it said.

The rule will be implemented beginning with the academic year, which begins on September 30, and will last until June 8, 2024.

M A, a 33-year-old marketing manager from Alexandria M A, a 33-year-old marketing manager from Alexandria, has said that he against wearing a niqab in schools due to the fact that it obstructs what is supposed to be an “transparent” educational process.

“Anything that obscures teachers from properly reading the student’s body language and facial expression to be able to help them or show necessary attention should not be allowed at schools,” the teacher said.

gypt's Education Reform Exploring the Ban on Niqab in Schools

M M, who also was in agreement with the ban by the government M M, who also backed the government’s ban, stated that the decision’s implementation is essential in terms of security.

“School authorities should be able to identify people going in and out of schools,” the architect, 38 who hails from Alexandria said.

He claimed that niqab-wearing pupils are generally ostracized in schools, whether they are separated or mixed.

However, He believes that the ban may result in some parents transferring their children from schools that are mixed to schools that are exclusively female.

In accordance with the ministerial declaration that a student has to take the decision covering his hair “based on her own personal desire without any pressure or force from any person or any other entity other than the parents” in an apparent in reference to local religious organizations and movements.

The report said that parents should be informed about their daughter’s choices and authorities would verify the knowledge of guardians about the student’s choices on the issue.

The dress code that was implemented at universities was criticized for asking women to dress their bodies since it specified that leggings and short dresses were not allowed in an effort in order to “teach students better conduct”.

This dress code was revealed following the murder of two students at a university. murdered..

Certain feminists interpreted the dress code’s new interpretation as accusing women of being the victims of male violence, since it urged women to change their clothes to safeguard themselves.

The code was condemned by the president of the Egyptian Centre for Women’s Rights, Nehad Aboul Komsan, who in the past year voiced concerns that the code was too focused on protecting women.

In addition to the ban on female niqabs The decree issued this week made it illegal for students to use any textbooks or educational materials that are that are not issued by the ministry. The decree also prohibited smoking on smartphones and using tobacco in school premises.

In addition the ministry has also banned the use of walls in schools to display artwork or any text that is of an ideological, political or religious character.

The school’s homework was also banned in the ministerial decree.


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