Digital Islamic Guide

What Type of Relationship as Muslims should we have with Allah

What Type of Relationship as Muslims should we have with Allah?

Islam recognizes that its relationship with Allah as its creator is its foundation of its existence. That is the foundation of our perspective about life and world, the way we are molded and formed, and even how we treat one another. But what type of friendship do we want to establish with Him? To this I will refer to the Qur’an, Sunnah, and the actions of those who came before us. So let us try to expound benefits of friendship with Allah and its different aspects in details.

A Relationship of Love

In Islam the core of the religion is the love to Allah. In the chapter of Al-A’raf, Quran gives one of the names describing Allah as Al Wadud, which means the Most Loving and Allah’s love for human beings is unfathomable. In turn, as believers, we are required to love Allah than anything else, or as the Prophet of Islam stated. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“Your God is ˹only˺ One God. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.”. (Surah Al-Baqarah: 165)

This is not an affectionate love; this love demonstrates in the ways of keeping His commands, yearning to do what pleases Him, and yearning to be with Him. To love Allah is to acknowledge Him in graciousness and to say thank you for His endless favor and direction. It is within this love that people can be calm and feel like there is a reason worth living for .

A Relationship of Trust

Allah is “Al-Wakeel”, and it entails placing one’s trust in Allah in a Muslim’s interaction with his Creator. There is an ill predicted future and therefore people experience life challenges, fluctuations and even frustration. At such times, we must submit ourselves to Allah’s planning because, in fact, He is the best of planners.

This truth of having trust in Allah was well illustrated when the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu Bakr were fleeing Mecca to Medina in a cave. Faced with imminent danger, the Prophet reassured his companion, saying: To turn our beloved Prophet’s companions’ fate into an acclaimed victory and spirit with which to face all challenges at present:

“Oh you who have believed! Do not be afraid; Allah is with us.” (Surah At-Tawbah: 40)

It is, therefore, a matter of placing our trust in Allah where we accept that ALL that happens on the Quoram is indeed for our own good no matter how long it may take. This trust released from the fear and anxiety and we live our life with strength and courage.

Also Read: Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Dispelling Misconceptions

A Relationship of Obedience

Submit yourself entire to Allah for it is not a punishment but in fact an honor. His commands refer to the directives the Lord has given to his creation hence following them helps achieved the set goal of creation. Allah says in the Qur’an:

“And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Surah Adh-Dhariyat: 56)

Obedience means doing those things that are liked by Allah for example praying, fasting, charity and avoiding what is disliked or prohibited by Allah. But it is deeper than it; it includes the practice of right living, righteousness as well as justice. Allah knows that every day we can make our work and actions, a worship if we do them with the intention of pleasing Him.

A Relationship of Fear and Hope

The main aspect of a person’s relation with Allah is that it should be one of both reverence through fear as well as hope. This means that Allah’s fear is not meant to put us in a state of accommodation but rather should be one that motivates awareness of our actions. It is the belief that in the next world we have our appointment with Allah Who holds us to account for what we have done. This fear leads us to shun sin and to run to His mercy.

At the same time we should not be too much scared as we must always hope in Allah’s mercy as well. He is the “Ar-Rahman” (The Most Gracious) and “Ar-Raheem” (The Most Merciful), and Allah’s mercy is upon everything. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

The mercy of Allah is greater than His anger. (Sahih Bukhari)

A believer operates in the realm between fear of Allah and hope – fear for Allah’s retribution and hope for Allah’s forgiveness and blessings.

A Relationship of Gratitude

It is usually very importance in ones relationship with Him. This speaks of telling God that all we have; our health, wealth, families and friends, and our lives are His gift to us. Allah reminds us in the Qur’an:

“If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them. Surely Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Surah An-Nahl: 18)

It is also a fact that appreciation is more than just saying thank you or thanking someone. Any act that we take in this world and on what Allah has bestowed upon us is paying homage to Him. Further, showing gratitude leads to happiness and establishes Our relation with Allah.

A relationship of seeking forgiveness.

It is a general understanding that humans are liable to mistakes, as well as to sin. But unfortunately Allah does not leave us alone, instead in His bounty and kindness He provides us with an opportunity to repent. He loves those who repent and those who turn to Him to ask for it. The Qur’an emphasizes this:

Surely Allah loves those who always turn to Him in repentance and those who purify themselves (Surah Al-Baqarah: 222)

Asking for apology has a way of putting things back in their right perspective because it is an affirmation that we are fully aware that our lives depend on Allah, and that we are willing to change for the better. It is in this cycle of repentance that the heart is washed and with that the heart is purified and comes closer to God.

A Relationship of being continuously on the memory

Lastly, a Muslim should be in an awe, or have a constant remembrance of Allah in his or her life. The remembrance of Allah during the day helps our hearts to remain tied to Him and protects from carelessness. Allah says:

This is the reason why it is stated remember Me; I will remember you. And thank Me, and never be ungrateful..” (Surah Al-Baqarah: 152)

It could be through reciting the Qur’an, even if it is making the dua or looking at His creation remembrance assists in keeping us humble and alert to our primary goal in life.


As a Muslim, we are not just the lover, but also the beloved of Allah; we are His friend and His fearing servant, His hopeful and thankful servant, and His constantly remembering servant. It is a relationship that has purpose and gives purpose to our existence, and in turn frees us for the eternal beyond. In this way, this relation is cultivated and we complete the reasons for being and find happiness with no disturbance. When trying to improve our tawakkul with Allah, one thing we need to bear in mind is that Allah is never far away and always ready to assist as well as forgive us.

It is our prayer that Allah will help us to develop comprehensive understanding of His qualities and therefore have a close relationship with Him. Ameen.


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