Surah Al-Kahf includes Urdu Translation as well as English Translation. Enjoy the Surah al-Kahf Tilawat MP3 audio Tilawat and download the MP3 file as well as PDF. Surah Al-Kahf is a Makki Surah It is also included as Para 15 – 16 of Quran al Qareem.
Para / Chapter | 15 – 16 |
Surah No | 18 |
Surah Name | Al-Kahf |
Classification | Meccan – Makki Surah |
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Surah Al-Kahf Tilawat with Urdu Translation
Recitation of Surah Al-Kahf with English Translation
Surah Al-Kahf with Urdu Translation PDF
Surah Al-Kahf with English Translation PDF
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Listen and read Surah Al-Kahf Arabic
Surah Kahf is among the Meccan Surah consisting of 110 verses. It’s found within the 18 the chapter of the Holy Qur’an. The Friday prayer of Surah Kahf is the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and until now, this sunnah has been followed by many Muslims throughout the world. According to Sahih Muslim, The Prophet ? stated, “One who memorized the first ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal”. The surah contains four historical fascinating stories that are excellent lessons for Muslims. These stories are described to:
The story of the people of the cave – a Test of Faith
The story of a man who has two gardens A Test of Wealth
The Story of Musa and Al-Khidr – A Trail of Knowledge
The Story of the Dhul Qarnayn – A Trial of Power
Surah Kahf is a wazaifa to help you get out of financial difficulties and for obtaining an employment. DIG provides a simple method to access reading the Arabic entire text Surah Kahf. Learn more about the stories mentioned above by reading the verse-byverse Urdu translation. The pdf version of Surah Al-Kahf is accessible for download at no cost. It is possible to listen the Surah Kahf’s audio, and then download it onto your device in mp3 format.
Benefits of Surah Kahf:
The recitation of the Surah Kahf every Friday is a requirement of the Sunnah (performed by the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W) and is a good deed for all Muslim. The following Hadiths provide the advantages of saying Surah al Kahf.
It’s said from Abu Saeed al-Khurdi: “Whoever recites Surah al Kahf the evening of Jummah, will have a light that will extend among him and the Holy House (Kabah).”
This hadith demonstrates the importance that is the Surah when it is recited on a Friday night. The hadith proves that the Surah brings light to the person who is reciting it, and the the light can be seen between Kabah and the person who reads it, regardless of distance between them and Kaaba.
Sahih Muslim:
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “One who has memorized the initial ten verses of Surah al Kahf will be secure against the Dajjal (Anti-Christ).”
Dajjal is among the prominent people of the coming end of the world and he’ll bring devastation to the human race. Dajjal is a man who brings destruction and destruction across the globe and, due to his power, people with weak and fragile faith will be drawn to Dajjal and assemble with Dajjal. The recitation of the first ten lines of Surah Kahf will protect your soul from the evil deeds of Dajjal and from the pain of the grave.
Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) Saying:
Based on the story from Hazrat Aisha (RA) The Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Will I not illuminate you regarding a Surah which is so loaded with significance it comes to between the paradise and earth and it has favours composed for it of comparable extents (from the sky to earth) whoever understands it on Yaumul Jummah is excused what happened between that Jummah and the following, notwithstanding 3 days (for example 10days taking all things together) and whoever recited the last five ayat of it when he rests, Allah will send him that night what he needs. They stated, Yes, O Messenger of Allah. He stated: Sura Ashabul Kahf.”
Surah Al Kahf Wazaif:
Wazifa for children runaway and husband
A lot of people are extremely upset with their children who leave without asking or telling them. Parents must say Surah Kahf to prevent their children from being a fugitive. In a similar situation, wives are married men who is living in a different country, but their husband doesn’t communicate with them or return for a long time. Women are told to read Surah Kahf. These issues are likely to disappear.
Wazifa to protect your loved ones against Jinns or Black Magic:
Anyone who is confronted with problems due with Jinn items, mischiefs as well as Black Magic must recite Surah Kahf to the individual or location daily. If the person you are referring to isn’t close or lives some distance away, just think of that specific person and say Surah Al-Kahf to him.
Wazifa to boost the wealth of people:
Surah Kahf has proven to be effective in helping remove poverty. People who are suffering from any deficit in their lives must be reminded of Surah Kahf. To boost your wealth, simply do the wazifa of Surah Kahf every day with complete faith. Allah Almighty is sure to be blessing you, and you’ll become the benefit from Allah Almighty.
Surah Al Kahf MP3 Format:
The recitation of Qur’an can be the best and most relaxing music for Muslims of all sounds. This page allows you to hear the surah Kahf on MP3 Format at no cost. For English listeners, DIG presents the Surah Kahf English MP3 Format. You can also download the Surah-Kahf Urdu MP3 Format file. You can download it to your mobile device absolutely no cost and in Arabic, English, and Urdu MP3 formats.
Surah Kahf Tafseer in English and Urdu:
To fully comprehend the Quran and the commands of Almighty that are revealed in it, you need to think about the Tafseer. Here, on this site, you will be able to go through this Surah Kahf Tafseer in English and Urdu at no cost.
Surah Kahf PDF Format:
Sometimes, it is necessary to ensure that your files are secure and easily accessible. In these situations PDF files are the most beneficial. It is the Pdf file format for Surah Kahf in Arabic is accessible on this page and is available for download and also. Surah Kahf PDF file can be available for download in English and Urdu on this page.
Surah Kahf Tilawat:
A Tilawat in Surah Al Kahf brings wealth alleviates hardships, and provides the solution to most of your problems. It is possible to listen Surah Al Kahf Online on this page. Surah Baqarah is available in the Arabic language. is available via this page.
Surah Kahf Translation in English:
The Holy Book of Qur’an was written in Arabic since it’s a very easy language. But, not everyone is able to understand the message. Here is this Surah Kahf English Translation, that will help you comprehend the importance of Allah as well as the rewards as well as moral tales.
Surah Kahf Translation in Urdu:
The Holy Qur’an is translated into nearly 114 languages across the world, and its intention is to make this Holy Book understandable for every person living in every region. In South Asia, Urdu is widely spoken. This page you will discover an Urdu Translation of Surah Kahf. It will aid you in understanding the actual significance of this Surah.
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