Surah Yaseen, accompanied by both Urdu and English translations, offers the opportunity to both listen to the MP3 recitation and download the corresponding MP3 and PDF files. It’s important to note that Surah Yaseen is a Makki Surah and can be found within Para 22 – 23 of the Quran al Qareem.
Para / Chapter | 22 – 23 |
Surah No | 36 |
Surah Name | Yaseen |
Classification | Meccan – Makki Surah |
Play Tilawat of Surah Yaseen
Surah Yaseen Tilawat with Urdu Translation
Recitation of Surah Yaseen with English Translation
Surah Yaseen with Urdu Translation PDF
Surah Yaseen with English Translation PDF
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Listen Surah Yaseen with Urdu Translation
Surah Yaseen, renowned as the ‘Heart of the Qur’an,’ was revealed in Makkah. Positioned as the 36th chapter of the Qur’an, it resides within both the 22nd and 23rd sections of the Holy Book. Comprising 83 verses, each verse stands as a pinnacle of eloquence. Yaseen’s verses serve to illuminate the fundamentals present in other Quranic Surahs, establishing it as the essence of the Qur’an.
The significance of this Surah was elucidated by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in his Hadith, indicating that ‘If anyone recites Yaseen at the beginning of the day, their needs for that day will be fulfilled.’ Tawheed (Oneness of Allah), Risalat (Belief in the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H as the last Prophet), and Akhirah (Belief in the Judgment Day) are the fundamental themes of Surah Yaseen.
Engaging with this beautiful Surah and its Urdu translation has the potential to rejuvenate our Emaan (Belief) and provide spiritual tranquility. Digital Islamic Guide offers a verse-by-verse Urdu translation of Surah Yaseen, providing both audio listening and downloadable MP3 format, ensuring accessibility even offline. Additionally, the PDF file of Surah Yaseen can be freely obtained. The revitalizing recitation of Surah Yaseen bestows serenity upon the soul.
Benefits of Reciting Surah Yaseen:
Absolution of Sins:
Regarding the advantages of reciting Surah Yaseen for absolution, the beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated: ‘Whoever recites Surah Yasin during the night seeking Allah’s approval, Allah will pardon him.’ Ibn Hibban, Darimi. Reciting Surah Yasin with pure intentions to seek Allah SWT’s pleasure at night results in awakening free from sin in the morning. Similarly, if a believer recites Surah Yasin before bedtime with the intention to please Allah Almighty, they can rest assured that their sins will be forgiven while they sleep.
The reward of reading the Whole Qur’an:
One of the benefits of Surah Yaseen is highlighted by the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, who proclaimed another incredible advantage: ‘Whoever reads Surah Yasin, Allah rewards him with the equivalent of reciting the entire Qur’an.’ – Tirmidhi 2812/A. This hadith makes it explicit that reciting Surah Yasin is tantamount to reciting the Holy Quran seventy times. This further underscores the importance of memorizing Surah Yasin, allowing for frequent recitations and unimaginable rewards.
Relief for the deceased:
Our esteemed Prophet Muhammad PBUH stated: ‘Recite Yaseen to those who are dead.’ – Sunan Abi Dawud. This hadith indicates that Surah Yaseen is recommended to be recited near individuals at the time of their passing. A departing soul requires spiritual support and comfort to transition smoothly to the next phase. Reciting the Heart of the Qur’an at this time aids the departed soul and brings peace and solace to the transitioning process.
Surah Yaseen Wazaif
Wazifa for Wealth:
The Holy Prophet ﷺ advised his followers to internalize it so it becomes an inherent part of their being. For boundless wealth and prosperity, recite Surah Yaseen three times in the direction of Qiblah after Jummah Prayers.
Wazifa for Love Marriage:
For those seeking love marriage or union with a particular individual, reciting Surah Yaseen seven times a day, along with Darood-e-Ibraheemi seven times before and after, paves the way. Practicing this wazifa for three months is believed to yield positive results.
Wazifa for achieving your goals:
When troubled by unattainable desires, seek guidance in the Qur’an. Recite Surah Yaseen daily, and Allah will bestow blessings that are most beneficial for you!
Surah Yaseen in MP3 Format:
Listening to Surah Yasin brings tranquility to the heart and peace to the mind. This page offers free access to Surah Yasin in MP3 format for listening and offline download. Additionally, Surah Yaseen is available in English MP3 format along with its Urdu rendition.
Surah Yasin Tafseer in Urdu and English:
Since Surah Yasin is regarded as the heart of the Qur’an, it encapsulates the divine essence within. The Urdu and English Tafseer of Surah Yaseen aids in comprehending its core meaning. Free access to the Tafseer in Urdu and English is provided on this page.
Surah Yaseen in PDF Format:
Reciting Surah Yaseen can bless one in myriad ways, impacting various aspects of life. The downloadable PDF file is easily accessible for reading and is available at no cost through Digital Islamic Guide. Both English and Urdu versions of the PDF file for Surah Yaseen can be obtained.
Surah Yaseen Tilawat:
The recitation of Surah Yaseen revitalizes the soul and soothes the ears. Enjoy the free listening of the Arabic recitation of Surah Yaseen on this page.
Surah Yaseen Translation in English:
The Prophet PBUH recommended his followers to memorize Surah Yasin for the solace it provides. Understanding the meaning of Surah Yaseen is important to comprehend the blessings of Allah Almighty. Those proficient in English can read the English translation of Surah Yasin to delve into its depth.
Surah Yaseen Translation in Urdu:
To deepen understanding about any subject, it is vital to comprehend it in a familiar language. The language we commonly use enables better comprehension. Similarly, reading the Qur’an in one’s native language enhances understanding. On this page, the Urdu translation of Surah Yaseen is available, facilitating better comprehension for Muslims in South Asian countries.
Listen more: MP3 Quran with Urdu Translation