Islam a religion of the global significance originated from the message of oneness of God, Allah, and complete obedience to Him. Its origins, as explained in the Quran, trace back to the very beginning of human history. The Quran state that Islam is not a new religion at all, but a continuation of the timeless message of monotheism delivered by all the prophets. This article delves into how and when Islam began, based on the teachings of the Quran.
The Meaning of Islam
The term “Islam” is derived from the Arabic root ‘SLM’ meaning peace and submission to the creator. It means submission to the divine power and residing in accordance with His commands. According to the Quran, Islam has always been the true religion of mankind, the one set up by Allah for every living thing.
The Quran states:
“Indeed, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam.” (Quran 3:19)
To this verse the essential truth which teaches that the religion of Islam, exclusive devotion to Allah, is as old as the universe has been firmly made clear.
Glimpses of Islam with Prophet Adam (PBUH)
Brief history of Islam:
Prophet Adam (PBUH): The first human being and Prophet. The Almighty Allah created Adam and made him responsible for the guidance of mankind. The Quran describes Adam as the first representative of Allah on Earth:
“And [mention] when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I will make upon the earth a successive authority.'” (Quran 2:30)
Knowing that Adam’s purpose was to explain to his generation, and generations to come, worship of Allah alone, which formed the basis of the religion of Islam. In this respect, Islam started from the very first man and the the principles of monotheism that Allah has placed in him.
Why Prophets Are Important To Islam’s Development
It is clearly pointed in the Quran that Islam, as a code of life, was preached by a series of prophets who were meant to lead their people. These prophets comprised of the following; These prophets included Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa), and Jesus (Isa), among others. While their specific laws and practices varied according to the needs of their people, their central message remained the same: the concept of the existence of one high and supreme being and the rejection of all false deities.
Allah says in the Quran:
“And We certainly sent into every nation a messenger, [saying], ‘Worship Allah and avoid Taghut (false gods).’” (Quran 16:36)
Through these messengers, Allah made sure that mankind always shall be guided and whenever people deviated or forgot the previous message of the messengers.
The Final Revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
The final part of Islam’s communication in the world was the sending of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the 7th century CE. At forty years of age, Muhammad(PBUH) began to receive revelations from Allah through angel Jibril (Gabriel) in the cave of Hira. Over 23 years, the Quran was revealed in stages, providing comprehensive guidance for every aspect of life.
The Quran declares that Muhammad is the final messenger, and the message he brought is a continuation and completion of the teachings of earlier prophets:
“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as your religion.” (Quran 5:3)
The following verse delivered during the farewell pilgrimage represents the end of the guidance from Allah to mankind. It defines the religion of Islam as a universal religion in its final written form after it’s compilation of this revelation.
Also Read : Is Islam a Religion of Peace? Dispelling Misconceptions
When Did Islam Start?
While Islam’s principles have existed since the time of Adam whose type of prophethood was different but the formal and complete Islam started with the prophethood of the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It happened in the 7th century CE in an area of the present day’s Saudi Arabia and surrounding regions. The Quran provided a definitive and eternal guide for humanity, ensuring that the essence of Islam remains unchanged.
Thus (and Allah knows best), the Quran states that Islam is not just a religion that began in the 7th century but rather the religion of the original man, and that is Adam (PBUH). It is the simple yet powerful word of surrender to Allah brought through the line of prophets from the beginning of time and perfected with the revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Islam’s purpose is to guide humanity to live in harmony with divine principles, achieving peace in this life and salvation in the hereafter. As a complete way of life, Islam continues to inspire millions of people to follow the path of righteousness and devotion to Allah.