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10 Essential Acts for Jummah (Friday) Prayer Digitalislamicguide

Your Complete Guide:10 Essential Acts for Jummah (Friday) Prayer

Jummah is a prayer for the congregation (salat) which Muslims take every Friday, shortly after twelve instead of it being the Zuhr petition. Muslims typically supplicate 5 times per day, according to the skyway of the sun disregarding the time zones.

1. Cutting Nails

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be content with his piety) stated that “Five” is the fitra-like demonstrations’ (normal orientation):

  • Circumcision
  • Extricating the hair from the navel
  • Cutting the mustache
  • The trimming of nails
  • The hair is cut underneath the arms.

2. Reading Surah Al-Kahf

It was said in the writings of Abu Sa’eed al-Khduri that the Prophet (Sallallahu alyhi Wa Sallam) stated: ” Whoever reads Soorat al-Kahf on Friday, he will be illuminated with light between the two Fridays.” (Narrated by al-Haakim, classified in the Saheeh category by Al-Albaani)

3. Making Dua

Don’t MISS The Golden Opportunity ! !

“There is a particular hour on Fridays, when prayers are received and answered by Allah All Glory and Praise to Him. This is one of the blessings Allah has granted this day, over the rest of the weeks. “On this day, there’s an hour where nobody Muslim sits and prays and asks Allah for anything but Allah will grant him that” He then made a gesture with his hands to show the length of time. [Bukhari 893 Muslim, 852]

It was stated by Abu Huraira, that Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) specifically mentioned Friday and said: “On this day there is a time when no Muslim stands and prays, asking Allah for something, but Allah will grant him it” and then he moved his hands to show how brief the time was. [Bukhari 893 Muslim, 852]

Ibn Al-Qayyim (Rahim Ullah) stated in relation to the correct time of Friday. This occurs after the Asr petition and before the Maghrib prayer in light of the hadith that accompanies it: “Friday has twelve hours (or some of them). There is a single hour in which, if one Muslim wants to ask Allah any thing, Allah will give it to him. So, search for it in the hour following the Asr.” An-Nasai and Abu Dawud

4. Taking Bath (Ghusl)

Refreshing and washing oneself completely while taking in Ghusl (great showering). The way described by Abdullah Canister Umar (R.A) said:

“I heard the Messenger of Allah, PBUH says: ‘When one of you wants to come to Jumu’ah, let him perform Ghusl.” (Muslim)

According to this the huge significance of Friday is evident from the earlier mentioned Hadith and the fact that, in addition to general bathing, one also requires more bathing during showering.

5. Clean clothes performing the miswaak (brushing teeth) and applying perfume (nonalcoholic scent)

Remember the day when you attended that big celebration and you spent the entire day in the bathroom taking care of all the aspects of your body, and applying every type of smell on. This is the way to prepare for the Jumuah! Cleanse, make sure you perform your Sunan Al-Fitra from trimming nails expel hair from the armpits, and expel pubic hair, creating heaps of fragrance and more.

Make sure your Jumuah clothing or thobe is flawless, spotless, and squeezable. It’s not something you put on 2 days ago and was folded or colored differently! Also, be sure to take great hygiene of your mouth Spend the recommended 4 minutes cleaning your teeth, using alcohol-free mouthwash, siwak/miswak… in essence make sure you are clean!

Description of Abu Sa’id Al-Khudr: I affirm the Messenger of Allah (Peace and peace be with him) declared that ‘The taking a bath on Friday is a requirement for all Muslim who is at the age of puberty, and as well as cleaning teeth with Siwak and applying perfume when there is one available’. [Translation of Sahih Bukhari]

6. Going Mosque Early

It’s not just 10 minutes prior to when the Khateeb is allowed to enter the masjid. but it is genuinely early, like 2 or 3 hours, and take the opportunity to stroll around or jogging if the masjid isn’t far away. Try to be first in line and remember this hadeeth

Then, according to Abu Hurairah: Allah’s Messenger (Peace and blessings are upon him) stated: “When it’s Jumuah, Angels sit at the gates of the mosque and continue at jotting down the names of all those who are coming to the mosque in accordance with their arrivals.

The illustration of one who goes into the masjid in the early hours is one who offers the camel (in sacrifice) and the one that comes next is akin to offering the cow, and later an ram, and finally chicken, and finally an egg, or two. When the Imam arrives (for Jumu’ah’s speech) They (i.e. angels) fold their paper while they listen to his sermon. [Translation of Sahih Al-Bukhari]”

7. Friday Prayer

Allaah states (interpretation of meaning): “O you who are believers (Muslims)! When the call is announced to prayer, the Salaah (prayer) during a Friday (Jumu’ah prayer) attend the invocation of Allaah Jumu’ah’s religious discourse (Khutbah) along with Salaah (prayer)and take a break from your business (and everything else). This is more beneficial for you to do that, but you must know!” [al-Jumu’ah 62:9]

8. We send many blessings to Muhammad (PBUH) the prophet. Muhammad (PBUH)

It was reported from Aws Ibn Aws where the Prophet (peace and peace from Allaah be upon his soul) stated: “The best of your days is Friday. That date Adam (peace be on his name)) was created. On the day of his death, he passed away; on the day that he died, the Trumpet will be blown and that’s when all the creation will swoon.So make sure you send lots of blessings to me, so that all your good wishes will displayed towards me.” They remarked, “O Messenger of Allaah What do our blessings on your behalf be displayed to you after you have become dirt?” He said, “Allaah has forbid the earth to devour corpses of Prophets Peace be on the Prophets.”

Written by Abu Dawood, 1047; classified in the form of Saheeh in the work of Ibn al-Qayyim in his comments on Sunan Abi Dawood, 4/273 Classified by Ibn al-Qayyim as Saheeh by Al-Albaani Saheeh Abi Dawood 925.

9. Walking to the Mosque

Walking towards the mosque because it leads to the giving of blessings on one level and pardoning wrongs on another. Abu Hurairah (R.A) portrayed Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) talking as:

The one who cleanses (performs Wudu’) himself at home and walks out to one of the homes in the house of Allah (mosque) to take part in the obligatory Salat One step will wipe off his sins, and the next step will raise his rank (in Jannah).” (Muslim)

10. Pay attention for Jummah Khutba (Sermon)

“Whoever is telling his friend when Imam is providing Khutbah every Friday “keep quite” also commit an absurdity.” (Muslim and Bukhari)


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